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... Music is the key…

洛神天堂 发表于 2006-8-8 18:43:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
21世纪的开端,芳龄23岁的德国女生Sarah Connor,以甜美、带劲的节奏蓝调歌唱实力开始征服欧洲乐坛,祖父的纽澳良血缘让她在幼年时期即深受蓝调灵魂乐的薰陶,14岁时开始在教堂唱诗班担任演唱,并在学校演唱音乐剧,15、16岁便以试唱带向各大音乐厂牌投石问路。
  2001年春季,Sarah Connor以挑动情欲的处女单曲“Let's Get Back To The Bed Boy”,绽放狂野性格,歌曲强势占领德国排行榜亚军,并挥军直入欧陆各国排行榜TOP 10,抢攻欧洲流行单曲榜TOP 15;第二首单曲“French Kissing”转而释放灵魂乐的性感魅力,同年底改走情歌路线,推出感人恋曲“From Sarah With Love”成绩益发耀眼,光在德国就卖出75万张,歌曲轻易摘下德国榜冠军后座,窜登欧洲Music & Media排行榜TOP 5,并在瑞典与奥地利创造金唱片开出销售红盘;紧接着首张大碟《Green Eyed Soul》更上层楼,不但直袭德国专辑榜亚军,也攻克荷兰、波兰、芬兰、葡萄牙、希腊等国排行TOP 10,2002年3月,Sarah Connor获颁德国乐坛最高荣耀的Echo音乐奖最佳流行摇滚女歌手大奖,稍后更勇夺Goldene Europe音乐奖最成功女歌手奖。美国嘻哈大将Wyclef Jean耳闻Sarah歌唱魅力,特地跨刀制作谱写并合唱一曲“One Nite Stand(Of Wolves And Sheep)”,Sarah Connor已然跻身全球节奏蓝调歌后之林。
  2003年进军国际乐坛的大碟《Bounce》展露Sarah Connor多样化的流行节奏蓝调风情,从挑战Toni Braxton抒情唱功的凄美恋曲“From Sarah With Love”、到与嘻哈大将Wyclef Jean交手的激爆火辣风情力作“One Nite Stand(Of Wolves And Sheep)”、放克艳情劲奏“He's Unbelievable”、街舞劲歌“Bounce”,她那收放自如的情感唱腔马上就要征服你的听觉世界了!


…listen people…
…Sarah Connor…
…Naturally Seven…
…Music Is The Key…

1. verse:
People - have always been singing
To wipe away tears
To ease all their pain

Music - has always been healing
Some people just sometimes
And others again and again and again

So we hope that today you are ready
To understand

Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key - sets you free

2. verse:
Stories – we’ve always been telling
It’s part of our nature
To speak with a friend

So we hope that today you are ready
To understand

2. chorus:
Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key

It’s the key to the heart of all people
It can open the door to your soul
It’s the key to a world
Where the flower of love
Always grows – don’t you know...

3. chorus:
Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

Whenever you’re losing faith
Just wanna leave your place
Come sing along with me
Trust me that music is the key

Just sing with me loud and strong
Help us to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key - sets you free

... Music is the key…  …listen people…
…Sarah Connor…
…Naturally Seven…
…Music Is The Key…

1. verse:
People - have always been singing
To wipe away tears
To ease all their pain

Music - has always been healing
Some people just sometimes
And others again and again and again

So we hope that today you are ready
To understand

Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key - sets you free

2. verse:
Stories – we’ve always been telling
It’s part of our nature
To speak with a friend

So we hope that today you are ready
To understand

2. chorus:
Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key

It’s the key to the heart of all people
It can open the door to your soul
It’s the key to a world
Where the flower of love
Always grows – don’t you know...

3. chorus:
Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

Whenever you’re losing faith
Just wanna leave your place
Come sing along with me
Trust me that music is the key

Just sing with me loud and strong
Help us to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key - sets you free

... Music is the key…  

…listen people…

1. verse:
People - have always been singing
To wipe away tears
Sarah Connor…
…Naturally Seven…
…Music Is The Key…
To ease all their pain

Music - has always been healing
Some people just sometimes
And others again and again and again

So we hope that today you are ready
To understand

Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key - sets you free

2. verse:
Stories – we’ve always been telling
It’s part of our nature
To speak with a friend

So we hope that today you are ready
To understand

2. chorus:
Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

It makes you feel proud and strong
Helps you to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key

It’s the key to the heart of all people
It can open the door to your soul
It’s the key to a world
Where the flower of love
Always grows – don’t you know...

3. chorus:
Whenever you’re falling down
Hopeless and pushed around
Find your own melody
Trust me that music is the key

Whenever you’re losing faith
Just wanna leave your place
Come sing along with me
Trust me that music is the key

Just sing with me loud and strong
Help us to carry on
If you are down on your knees
You should sing it with me
Music is the key - sets you free

... Music is the key…
adadda 发表于 2006-8-9 10:01:51 | 显示全部楼层
...收了先  呵呵

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路边de野猫 发表于 2006-8-9 22:01:04 | 显示全部楼层

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greif 发表于 2006-8-12 19:46:01 | 显示全部楼层

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寂寞的颜色 发表于 2006-8-12 21:28:33 | 显示全部楼层
sarah connor我喜欢。。。

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