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Tori Amos

洛神天堂 发表于 2006-8-8 18:15:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

音乐启蒙甚早的Tori Amos,从小就显得与众不同。从音乐怪胎到重金属摇滚狂妄青春再到一头红发的音乐精灵,Amos在琴艺、词汇与歌声之间的真实情感,如鬼灵精一般的洞察力与创意,摆在90年代的女性创作风潮里,确实有其独立神采。
         1963年8月22日出生于北卡罗莱纳州,在马里兰州牧师家庭长大的Tori Amos,两岁半开始接触钢琴,尽管还踏不到踏板,她却看着哥哥姐姐,一边用耳朵记下旋律;四岁就在教堂唱诗班担任钢琴弹奏与演唱,幼时的乐器才华,让她在五岁时就以奖学金申请进入巴尔地摩的Paebody音乐学校就读,成为该校最年轻的学生;对节奏有着奇特感应的她,小时候就不时获邀为派对弹奏。十岁时,校方因无法忍受Amos颠覆传统的古典钢琴演绎方式,而将她开除;带着困惑与愤怒离开学校,Amos转而呼吸到来自齐柏林Led Zeppelin(飞船合唱团)、The Beatles(披头士)、Jimi Hendrix(吉米汉醉克斯)等摇滚乐的恣意能量,决定矢志当个摇滚歌手;13岁的她跟着爸爸巡回驻唱,弹一些Gershwin(盖西文)的作品。
  87年Amos与Atalntic音乐厂牌签约,隔年以自组乐团Y Kant Tori Read名义发表的专辑《Y Kant Tori Read》宣泄重金属摇滚火力,尽管专辑石沉大海,唱片公司却未对她失去信心;90年脱去摇滚皮衣改以钢琴创作为主轴,并在当时的Atlantic总裁Doug Morris的建议下,将她送往伦敦试探市场;91年推出EP《Me And A Gun》,俱乐部的驻唱为Amos博得不少乐迷与乐评的掌声,EP中的同名单曲《Me And A Gun》则是在看完与自身强暴梦魇相关议题的电影《Thelma & Louise(末路狂花)》后,以歌曲勇敢面对自己的强暴伤痕,Amos更进而筹设“Rape Abuse And Incest National Network,简称RAINN(强暴、虐待、乱伦的国际机构)”与地方上的强暴危机中心联机为遭受性虐待者提供救助。
  91年冬季的处女大碟《Little Earthquake(小地震)》进占英国金榜第14名,单曲《Silent All These Years》获得MTV音乐录像带大奖最佳女歌手、新进、创意与摄影4项提名。Amos的歌声与琴声串联的真实表白情绪,透过《China》等作品创造出相当悦耳的情感共鸣,展现出忠于自我情绪的惊人创作力量,全球200万张的销售让她初尝成名的喜悦。92年推出的EP《Crucify》挑战Nirvana(超脱合唱团)惊世之作《Smells Like Teen Spirit》、齐柏林飞船的经典作《Thank You》与Rolling Stones(滚石合唱团)招牌作《Angie》。
   94年英国金榜冠军专辑《Under The Pink(红粉心事))与《Cornflake Girl》(#4)、《Pretty Good Year》(#7)两首Top 10单曲更奠立情绪女声的翘楚地位。在这张以存在于女性之间的暴力为探讨重点的专辑里,两性的情感互动、性厌恶、性开放与宗教社会的瓦解皆有触及,一首创作《God》还提出上帝需要有个女人来照料牠的大胆观点,而Nine Inch Nails(九吋钉)核心人物Trent Reznor也为《Pass The Mission》跨刀,专辑首度入围葛莱美奖“最佳另类演唱”奖。
  与前两张专辑的制作人男友Eric Rosse的分手,让Amos首度独挑制作大梁的96年专辑《Boys For Pele(火山女神的男孩)》化身为夏威夷的火山女神Pele挑战男性情感象征,内页中一张Amos与一只乳猪的哺乳照片,引起不少争议话题。专辑直闯英、美流行专辑榜亚军,《Professional Widow》经由Armand Van Helden混音改造后于隔年跃登英国榜冠军,专辑再获葛莱美奖“最佳另类演唱”奖提名;96年推出的EP《Hey, Jupiter》,她完美演绎经典作《Somewhere Over The Rainbow》;97年抽空为电影(The Great Expectations(烈爱风云)唱作插曲《Siren》。
   在面对流产冲击后,Amos 98年春季推出的专辑《From The Choirgirl Hotel(吟唱殿堂),可以听见Amos紧紧抓住流产前拥有生命体的珍贵体认,阐释着孕育与拥抱生命的意义,堪称她个人感觉最投入的唱作。原有的钢琴与自我情绪有了更多来自摇滚乐的共鸣,专辑首周打进全美流行专辑榜第5名。同年3月,Amos与英籍录音师Mark Hawley结婚,此张专辑发表后的巡回演唱开始,Amos首度将电子乐器带进演唱会,隔年荣获葛莱美“最佳摇滚女歌手”与“最佳另类演唱”双项提名。99年发行双CD专辑《To Venus And Back(到金星一游)内容是将《From The Choirgirl Hotel》时期的演唱实况与新创作汇整,电子乐器与弦乐的运用让情绪音色有了不同的情境空间,专辑跃登全美Top 12并再获葛莱美奖“最佳另类演唱”提名。《Little Earthquake》、《From The Choirgirl Hotel》、《To Venus And Back》等三张专辑通通同获《滚石》杂志与《Q》杂志4颗星高评。
  2000年Amos为《M:I2(不可能的任务2)》电影原声带献唱《Carnvial》后,2001年9月发行专辑《Strange Little Girls(怪怪小女生)》,Amos藉由翻唱男性歌手乐团的唱作,透过角色扮演执行穿透男性观点的颠覆概念专辑,颇有要男性为其创作的情感负责的严厉态度。她借着惊耸的编曲情境俱现Rap痞子Eminem绘声绘影的携子杀妻歌曲《97 Bonnie And Clyde》底层的歌曲暴力,为受暴力胁迫妇女哀悼、谴责玩笑创作不负责任的态度。
  每一次创作都带来不同的情感表态,Tori Amos的唱作所带来的听觉经验,越来越像生活中的情绪一样,越来越难以捉摸。


Bells For Her - Tori Amos下载

And through the life force and there goes her friend
On her Nishiki it's out of time
And through the portal they can make amends
Hey would you say whatever we're blanket friends

Can't stop what's coming
Can't stop what is on its way

And through the walls they made their mudpies
I've got your mind I said
She said I've your voice
I said you don't need my voice girl you have your own
But you never thought it was enough of
So they went years and years
Like sisters blanket girls always there through that and this
There's nothing we cannot ever fix I said

Can't stop what's coming
Can't stop what is on its way

Bells and footfalls and soldiers and dolls
Brothers and lovers she and I were
Now she seems to be sand under his shoes
There's nothing I can do

Can't stop what's coming
Can't stop what is on its way

And now I speak to you are you in there
You have her face and her eyes but you are not her
And we go at each other like blank ettes
Who can't find their thread and their bare

Can't stop what's loving
Can't stop what is on its way
And I see it coming
And it's on its way

Tori Amos-Silent All These Years (王菲和孙燕姿都曾翻唱过!王菲《冷战)》 孙燕姿《start自选集 》)


Excuse me but can I be you for a while
My dog won't bite if you sit real still
I got the Anti-Christ in the kitchen yellin' at me again
Yeah I can hear that
Been saved again by the garbage truck
I got something to say you know but nothing comes
Yes I know what you think of me you never shut up
Yeah I can hear that
But what if I'm a mermaid
In these jeans of his with her name still on it
Hey but I don't care
Cause sometimes I said sometimes I hear my voice and it's been
silent all these years
So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts
What's so amazing about really deep thoughts
Boy you best pray that I bleed real soon
How's that thought for you
My scream got lost in a paper cup
You think there's a heaven where some screams have gone
I got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it's enough
To get us there
But what if I'm a mermaid
In these jeans of his with her name still on it
Hey but I don't care
Cause sometimes
I said sometimes
I hear my voice and it's been
silent all these..
Years go by will I still be waiting
For somebody else to understand
Years go by if I'm stripped of my beauty
And the orange clouds raining in my head
Years go by will I choke on my tears
Till finally there is nothing left
One more casualty
You know we're too
Well I love the way we communicate
Your eyes focus on my funny lip shape
Let's hear what you think of me now
but baby don't look up
The sky is falling
Your mother shows up in a nasty dress
It's your turn now to stand where I stand
Everybody lookin' at you
here take hold of my hand
Yeah I can hear them
But what if I'm a mermaid
In these jeans of his with her name still on it
Hey but I don't care
Cause sometimes
I said sometimes
I hear my voice
I hear my voice
I hear my voice
And it's been
silent all these years
I've been here
silent all these years
Silent all these
Silent all these years
adadda 发表于 2006-8-9 10:15:05 | 显示全部楼层
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