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Simaril 发表于 2005-6-13 00:18:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
对于SONY不停的吹嘘自己的机能, 起对手似乎也按捺不住了,而原本应是中立场合的苹果也发表类似的看法...我有足够的理由相信XBOX360的性能不会弱于PS3.

ATI: Xbox 360 will outperform PS3

"I think PS3 will almost certainly be slower and less powerful," says graphics guru Richard Huddy; backwards-compatibility explained.
“我认为PS3绝对会比360的运算速度慢。”图形专家RICHARD HUDDY说;向下兼容的解释。

In an interview with Web site bit-tech.net, ATI Developer Relations Manager Richard Huddy waxed technical about Microsoft's upcoming Xbox 360 and ATI's role in the machine. The 360 will be using ATI's Xenos graphics processor, and Huddy's job is to chat with potential developers and help them develop the tools that best use Xenos' capabilities.
在BIT-TECH.NET网页的访谈中,ATI的开发经理RICHARD HUDDY在技术上谈及关于微软的XBOX360和ATI所扮演的角色。360会使用ATI的XENOS图形处理器,HUDDY的工作就是与开发者谈话和帮助他们如何更好的利用这个图形处理器。

With regards to the console's architecture, Huddy says, "It's way better than I would have expected at this point in the history of 3D graphics." He sees the unified pipeline, rather than segregated pixel and vertex engines, giving the 360 a huge a huge advantage in accessible processing power.

Huddy goes on to shed some light on backwards compatibility. Each Xbox game is written with specific Xbox hardware in mind, and the 360's move to PowerPCs and ATI graphics doesn't jibe with the Xbox's Intel chips and Nvidia graphics processors. To add to the difficulty, the 360 wasn't designed for backward-compatibility early on in development.

To solve this, Microsoft has implemented the use of emulator programs that will allow the Xbox 360 to play Xbox games. According to Huddy, "emulating the CPU isn't really a difficult task. ...the real bottlenecks in the emulation are GPU calls--calls made specifically by games to the Nvidia hardware in a certain way. General GPU instructions are easy to convert--an instruction to draw a triangle in a certain way will be pretty generic. However, it’s the odd cases, the proprietary routines, that will cause hassle.” Once complete, the Xbox emulators could come pre-loaded on the unit's hard drive or will be downloadable via Xbox Live.

Huddy also dispels the notion of the PlayStation 3's higher graphics clock speed (550MHz versus the 360's 500MHz) means that Sony's console will outperform the Xbox 360. He believes that its ATI's unified pipeline that will make the biggest difference between the Xbox 360 and PS3. ATI archrival Nvidia, who is providing the RSX graphics processor for the PS3, has chosen not to go the route of a unified pipeline.

"This time around, [Nvidia doesn’t] have the architecture and we do, so they have to knock it and say it isn’t worthwhile. But in the future, they’ll market themselves out of this corner, claiming that they’ve cracked how to do it best. But RSX isn’t unified, and this is why I think PS3 will almost certainly be slower and less powerful."

The New York Times has posted an article today on Apples recent switch from PowerPC to Intel chips due to lack of performance. Now, what does this have to do with the Cell you ask? Well turns out Intel wasn't the only company that Steve Jobs was talking to. Sony apparently tried courting Apple into using the Cell in their hardware. According to the article:
纽约时代今天发表了一篇文章关于APPLE从POWERPC转成INTEL处理器的过程。这和CELL有什么关系呢?事实上INTEL并不是唯一一家SETVE JOBS有与其谈判的公司。SONY似乎也尝试过让APPLE去使用CELL处理器。看这段引用:

Mr. Kutaragi tried to interest Mr. Jobs in adopting the Cell chip, which is being developed by I.B.M. for use in the coming PlayStation 3, in exchange for access to certain Sony technologies. Mr. Jobs rejected the idea, telling Mr. Kutaragi that he was disappointed with the Cell design, which he believes will be even less effective than the PowerPC.

Now, given that Apple PPC G5s top out 2.7 GHz for a single core processors and the X360 has a triple core 3.2 GHz PPC, I'd say thats a rather resounding remark. After all, Steve Jobs wants performance in his machines, and if the Cell offered it, I'm sure he'd have at least given them a better look. But thats just my two cents...

EDIT: Almost forgot the link to the article. (DOH!) What's Really Behind the Apple-Intel Alliance The part I quoted is on the 2nd page...

[ Last edited by Simaril on 2005-6-13 at 12:19 AM ]
霜之星魂 发表于 2005-6-13 09:48:52 | 显示全部楼层

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dream 发表于 2005-6-17 18:32:32 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| Simaril 发表于 2005-6-17 19:02:09 | 显示全部楼层
dream  在 2005-6-17 06:32 PM 发表:



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孤胆游侠 发表于 2005-6-19 05:18:50 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| Simaril 发表于 2005-6-19 13:13:52 | 显示全部楼层
孤胆游侠  在 2005-6-19 05:18 AM 发表:



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闪耀之风 发表于 2005-8-6 09:30:44 | 显示全部楼层
楼住你在楼上这么说就不对了 XBOX机能是不错 但是游戏厂商....

我认为还是PS3比较好 游戏厂商一定比较多

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