The Cardigans《Long Gone Before Daylight》
发行:Koch Records
距离上一张专辑6年的时间,The Cardigans带来了迄今为止情绪上最为黑暗的作品,可能也是歌词上最为内省、诚实和动人的作品。当初"Lovefool"中诱人的甜美不见了,Nina的声音中多了几分成熟、沙哑与沧桑的落寞感。听着这样的声音难免有些惆怅,不过"You're the Storm"、"Please Sister"(其中大量使用了管弦乐)这样的作品中,却恰到好处的渲染出一种荡气回肠的气势。而"Couldn't Care Less"中低沉的鼓声随着歌词'my heart can't care any more, my heart don't beat like before, but you couldn't care less, could you'不断的敲打在人隐隐作痛的心上,"Feathers And Down"中如羽毛轻轻坠落般的旋律与歌声却道出了极简单又深邃的哲理。专辑中也有"A Good Horse"、"For What It's Worth"、"Live and Learn"这样情绪上较为亮色的作品,虽然不是我最喜欢的,却更充分地展现了Nina声音的真正实力...没有炫技、因为诚实而更加的动人,以至于让人沉溺其中不能自拔(偶最喜欢的女声之一了)
Personal Favorites: You're The storm、And Then You Kissed Me、Couldn't Care Less、Please Sister、Feathers And Down 喜欢Nina声音的朋友一定要听听她的个人专辑《A Camp》
Long Gone Before Daylight marks a shift in theme for the Cardigans. Their last album, 1998's Gran Trismo, was a masterpiece. With Peter Svensson's quirky, driving, ultra-modern pop backing Nina
Persson's icy dissections of doomed relationships, it was a Love Album informed more by Bret Easton Ellis than any high romance. So catchy, so cool, and so incredibly bleak--exceptional, intelligent pop in the tradition of Soft Cell and ABC. Long Gone Before Daylight, then, comes as something of a shock when the opening "Communication" and "You're the Storm"--both lush and beautiful pop--find Persson struggling for love then, come the Doors-like "And Then You Kissed Me," actually finding it. Real love, too--not the fascinatingly twisted variety of before. It's a terrible shame, for love reduces the Cardigans to the level of other musicians. But then, unpredictable devils, they hit you with "Couldn't Care Less," as Persson loses it all again, in the following "Please Sister" begging for advice, succor, anything. And now you realize; it's a pop-rock opera, the tale of one heart's tortuous and tortured journey through the mill. And it's superb. Persson, the finest pop lyricist working today, is on peak form while the band's back-to-roots grand piano and grander acoustic guitars provide an appropriately magnificent backing. --Dominic Wills
1. Communication
2. You’re The Storm
3. A Good Horse
4. And Then You Kissed Me
5. Couldn’t Care Less
6. Please Sister
7. For What it’s Worth
8. Lead Me into The Night
9. Live And Learn
10. Feathers And Down
11. 3:45 No Sleep
12. Hold Me (Mini Version)
13. If There is A Chance
14. For the Boys
The Cardigans
来自瑞典,成军于92年底的The Cardigans(羊毛衫合唱团),94年签入Stockholm唱片旗下后,发行了《Emmerdale》专辑,被当地权威音乐杂志Slitz评选为 “年度最佳专辑”,随后推出的《Life》、《First Band On The Moon》等专辑中, 陆续诞生了“Carnival”、“Rise & Shine”、“Lovefool”等排行金曲,最脍炙人口的莫过于入选李奥纳多狄卡皮欧主演《罗密欧+茱丽叶》电影主题曲的“Lovefool”了!这首轰动全球的单曲不仅获得英美点播冠军、英国金榜亚军,更让The Cardigans声势水涨船高,获邀至热门影集《飞越比佛利》客串演出、参加美国《大卫赖特曼秀》及英国《Top Of The Pops》等热门电视节目演出。
《First Band On The Moon》是羊毛衫在1996年推出的第三张专辑,整张专辑充斥着过着富余生活的年轻人的玩笑、休闲、恋情和胡思乱想。The Cardigans的音乐是非常大但的,有些地方的音乐处理对别的乐队会不尽情理,而偏偏于The Cardigans处却十分合适。“Lovefool”和“Been It”是上乘佳作,其它歌曲也十分不俗。余音绕梁,三日不绝。
1998年他们推出了第四张专辑-《Gran Turismo》凭借着主唱Nina出众的唱功以及全乐队的努力专辑很快在全球热卖超过600万张!!此时他们的实力已经勿庸置疑。2003年The Cardigans,带着他们的第五张作品《Long Gone Before Daylight》回来了!沉淀之后的新辑中充分展现了他们对于音乐工作的执着,录音工作虽然分别在瑞典、西班牙及英国三地进行,但整体制作方向却一致地指向“透过录音工程完美重现听觉的临场体验”。女主唱Nina的歌声绽放在乐团整体的音乐表现中,呈现出一幅幅美妙的音乐风景。在现今流行乐坛一股回归音乐本质的呼唤声中,《Long Gone Before Daylight》正好回应了这个潮流;除了延续The Cardigans作品中一向拥有的清新悦耳旋律, 11首以“爱”为主题、散发简单自然本质的精采作品,诚恳真实而温暖。开场的“Communication”与“You’re The Storm”,柔美的音符中可以听见爱情的挣扎;“Please Sister”有着满满的衷心恳求;“For What It’s Worth”则被主唱Nina形容为“旋律优美、节奏强烈”。
羊毛衫的音乐总是存在那么松松垮垮的节奏,缠缠绵绵的曲调,Nina Persson懒洋洋的演唱,靡靡乎使人如坠五里云雾。煞费苦心制作的音效、各种打击乐器和多变的演奏手法花哨却不俗气,令人感到那是有闲阶级的雅趣。就是这是一种带有jazz和pop影响的独特的风格,将The Cardigans与其它任何乐队区分开来,以致不明真相的听者或许会奇怪如此乐队从何而来,这倒正迎合了The Cardigans96年那张专辑心意──月球上的第一支乐队(First Band On The Moon)。
In the post-grunge, pre-electronica world of apathetic audiences, flat sales, and No Big Thing, the pure pop of the Cardigans has hit like a virus that circumvents all rational defenses and goes straight for the central nervous system. The lighter-than-air melodies and samba-inflected dance beats, combined with the unflappable soprano of vocalist Nina Persson, deliver the punch of some weird amalgam of Blondie and Burt Bacharach.
In Boston, where the Swedish quintet recently played two sold-out shows at the 600-capacity Paradise with the local trio Papas Fritas, the Cardigans' rise has been so meteoric, that they short-circuited the usual radio market pattern, jumping from modern rock pioneers WFNX 101.7 to top-40 WXKS (Kiss 108) faster than you could say ABBA. After the indie debut American release Life (Minty Fresh), the major label "First Band on the Moon," powered by the single "Lovefool," is leapfrogging up the album charts. So much for the mid-'90s distinction between "alternative" and anything else.
At the Paradise, the band defied other expectations as well. Papas Fritas (another Minty Fresh act) is a quirky guitar-bass-drums outfit, well-suited to the club scene. But confections like the Cardigans with their piping synth lines, girlish vocals, and bric-a-brac of strings, horns and other sweeteners generally fall flat live, like a souffle in a thunderstorm.
But the Cardigans, if anything, were stronger than on record. Drummer Brengt Lagerburg's snare and cymbal patterns easily shifted between rock shuffle and samba glide. Songwriter/guitarist Peter Svensson and bassist Magnus Sveningsson drove big steamy riffs through the bridge of the bittersweet breakup song "Been It." Bassist Sveningsson, in particular, is a rhythm player whose lines have a flowing melodic snap, perhaps nowhere more so than on "Lovefool," where the economy and drive of his dancing, repeated figures recalled the heyday of Motown genius James Jamerson.
None of which is to underestimate dimpled, cat-eyed blonde beauty Persson. On disc, her tone has the artificial purity and consistency of a Nilla Wafer. Live, wearing a camouflage-pattern tank top and leather pants, she gave the songs' arcing melodies a steely presence. Delivering the line "Has he lost his mind, can he see or is he blind?," she made the lead-off "Iron Man" as delicate a lament as "Fool on the Hill." When you can float Ozzy Osbourne in as rarefied an atmosphere as Lennon and McCartney, your sense of pop has to be downright fearless.
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[ Last edited by 灏梵 on 2005-4-12 at 08:25 PM ] |