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灏梵 发表于 2005-3-10 22:02:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一个创意十足的说法:t.A.T.a是Teens Against Tabacco Use(反对青少年吸烟)的缩写



  t.A.T.u的两个成员Lena Katina和Yu lia Volkova,一个生于1984年,一个生于1985年,1999年出道前都曾是儿童合唱团“Neposedy”的成员。两人从一次500人参加的选拔赛中胜出,组成了现在这个意思据传为“Teens Against Tobacco Use(反对青少年吸烟)”合唱组,奇怪的是两个女生非但不宣传反对青少年吸烟,还经常搂搂抱抱,貌似同性恋,受到家长的投诉。

她们之前都曾学过八年的正统古典音乐。Julia是个出身中产阶级家庭的独女,个性活泼、不爱阅读;Lena有个知名的流行音乐作家老爸,家里三个小孩中排行老么,个性安静、爱阅读。个性上截然不同的他们,却在t. A. T. u.找到了彼此的共同点。

2001年t.A.T.u在俄罗斯、德国、保加利亚、斯洛伐克举行近150场演唱会,在纽约大都会歌剧院接受MTV颁奖礼颁发的“我最喜欢的俄罗斯音乐录影带奖”,专辑《200 in the Opposite Direction》被俄国IFPI评为年度销量冠军;2002年t.A.T.u正式出版英文专辑进军美国,从此跻身国际。
t.A.T.u的首支单曲”I’ve Lost My Mind”一推出即在东欧造成轰动,紧接着”All the Thing She Said”这首歌-讲述两个女同性恋女孩的故事,让她们开始受到注目,且其前卫大胆的MTV(片中有两位女孩互相拥吻的镜头)更是在国际间刮起一阵炫风,光是在俄罗斯本就被播放不只10000次,而这首单曲虽在2000年就已推出,但是迄今仍是俄罗斯电台点播率最高的歌曲之一,足见她们受欢迎的程度。2001年正式与俄罗斯环球唱片签约,并于五月发行首张专辑“200 km/H In The Wrong Lane”,仅在推出两个月即有超过50万张的“合法”销售量(据说盗版货高达2百万张),t.A.T.u已经成为整个欧洲家喻户晓的话题人物了(喜欢她们的人很多,而厌恶她们的人也不少)。
 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-3-10 22:03:49 | 显示全部楼层
All the Things She Said
all the things she said - TATU
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
this is not enough
i'm in serious shit, i feel totally lost
if i'm asking for help it's only because
being with you has opened my eyes
who could ever believe such a perfect surprise
i keep asking myself, wondering how
i keep closing my eyes but i can't block you out
i want to fly to a place where it's just you and me
nobody else, so we can be free
nobody else, so we can be free
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
this is not enough
ya soshla s uma
this is not enough
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
and i'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed
they say it's my fault, but i want her so much
i wanna fly her away with the sun and the rain
covered over my face, wash away all the shame
when they stop and stare, don't worry me
cause i'm feeling for her what she's feeling for me
i can try to pretend, i can try to forget
but it's driving me mad, going out of my head
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
this is not enough
ya soshla s uma
this is not enough
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
mother, looking at me
tell me, what do you see
yes, i've lost my mind
daddy, looking at me
will i ever be free
have i crossed the line
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
this is not enough
ya soshla s uma
this is not enough
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said
all the things she said

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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-3-10 22:05:05 | 显示全部楼层
Not Gonna Get Us
Not gonna get us They are not gonna get us Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us They are not gonna get us They are not gonna get us
Not gonna get us They are not gonna get us Not gonna get us

Starting from here, lets make a promise you and me, let's just be honest
We are gonna run, nothing can stop us Even the night, that falls all around us
Soon there'll be laughter and voices Beyond the clouds over the mountains
We'll run away on roads that are empty Lights from the airfield shining above you

Nothing can stop us, no no I love you They are not gonna get us
They are not gonna get us Nothing can stop us, no no I love you
They are not gonna get us They are not gonna get us
They are not gonna get us (x5)

We'll run away, to everything simple Night will come down our guardian angel
We rush ahead the crossroads are empty Our spirits rise they are not gonna get us
My love for you always forever Just you and me all else is nothing
Not going back - not going back there they don't understand they don't understand us

Not gonna get us Not gonna get us Not gonna get us They are not gonna get us
Not gonna get us Nothing can stop us, no no I love you They are not gonna get us
They are not gonna get us Nothing can stop us, no no I love you
They are not gonna get us They are not gonna get us They are not gonna get us
Not gonna get us Not gonna get us (repeat until fade)

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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-3-10 22:06:08 | 显示全部楼层
Show me love
This was an accident, not the kind were sorrow sound
Never even noticed were suddenly crumbing
Tell me how you’ve never, felt delicate or innocent,
Do you still have doubts that us having faith makes any sense.  
Tell me nothing ever comes rationale or breaking down
Still somebody loses cause theirs no way to turn around
Staring at your photograph everything now in the past
Never felt so lonely I wish that you could show me love
Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Till you open the door
Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Till I’m up off the floor
Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Show me love.
Show me love. Till its inside my pores
Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Show me love. Till I’m screaming for more   
Random acts of mindlessness, commonplace occurrences
Chances of surprises, another state of consciousness  
Yell me nothing ever comes rationale or breaking down
Still somebody loses cause theirs no way to turn around
Tell me how you’ve never felt delicate or innocent
Do you still have doubts that us having faith makes any sense
You play games I play tricks, girls and girls but you’re the one
Like a game of pick up sticks played by fucking lunatics

Repeat **

Show me love. Show me love. Give me all that I want
Show me love. Show me love. Give me all that I want
Show me love. Show me love. Give me all that I want
Show me love. Show me love. Till in screaming for more

Mama papa forgive me

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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-3-10 22:07:37 | 显示全部楼层
30 Minutes

Mama, Papa forgive me Out of sight, out of mind Out of time to decide
Do we run? Should I hide For the rest of my life Can we fly? Do we stay?
We could lose we could fail In the monent it takes To make plans or mistakes

30 minutes, the blink of an eye 30 minutes to alter our lives
30 minutes to make up my mind 30 minutes to finally decide
30 minutes to whisper your name 30 minutes to shoulder the blame
30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies 30 minutes to finally decide

Carousels in the sky That we shape with our ways Under shade silhouettes  
Casting shame Crying rain Can we fly do I stay We could lose, we could fail
Either way, options change chances fade, Trains derail.

30 minutes, the blink of the night 30 minutes to alter our lives
30 minutes to make up my mind 30 minutes to finally decide
30 minutes to whisper your name 30 minutes to shoulder the blame
30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies 30 minutes to finally decide
To decide, to decide to decide to decide (repeat until fade)

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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-3-10 22:08:13 | 显示全部楼层

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未尘小恍 发表于 2005-3-10 23:17:02 | 显示全部楼层

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寂寞的颜色 发表于 2005-3-11 11:12:56 | 显示全部楼层

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寂寞的颜色 发表于 2005-3-11 13:09:20 | 显示全部楼层

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鲁西菲尔 发表于 2005-3-11 13:24:08 | 显示全部楼层

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寂寞的颜色 发表于 2005-3-11 23:37:25 | 显示全部楼层

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鲁西菲尔 发表于 2005-3-12 00:00:30 | 显示全部楼层

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