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Lil Star-Kelis让偶们一起跳舞

仙缘 发表于 2007-7-7 19:44:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

即使新生代R&B女歌手多如过江鲫,出身纽约的Kelis/酷莉丝于2000年初试啼声的《Kaleidoscope》专辑,甫发行即在欧美各地引起广泛回响,获Q杂志四颗星评鉴、Sonicnet及Wall Of Sound等杂志推荐;并获全英音乐奖“最佳新进艺人”、NME“最佳节奏蓝调女歌手”,单曲《Caught out there》获选Q AWARD“最佳音乐录像带”,唱作俱佳的Kelis年仅20,但其亮眼的表现已被视为继TLC、Missy Elliott、Lauryn Hill及Macy Gray后最受瞩目的R&B乐坛新星。

崭露头角的Kelis2000年在欧美各地巡回,其杰出表现受U2、Moby等乐坛大哥大盛赞,并获邀与Moby、Busta Rhymes、Foxy Brown、LFO及NERD(即其工作搭档Neptunes)等前辈合作。直至今年年初,这位忙碌的新人开始着手投入新专辑《Wanderland/漫游国度》的筹备工作。
《Wanderland》中,透过对Kelis风格更精准的掌握,展现出了Kelis的更多可能。专辑中邀到NO DOUBT女主唱Gwan Stefani跨刀相助一曲“Perfect Day”,与Korn乐团贝斯手Fieldy合作的“Easy Come Easy Go”阐述成名路上的人情冷暖,“Digital World”描述巡回期间的美妙经验,取样知名影集Star Trak/星舰迷航记主题曲的“Star Wars”则是Kelis和Neptunes的创新尝试。  
年纪轻轻的Kelis凭借其独特的风格已在乐坛刮起一阵旋风,近来不但获邀在嘻哈巨星献唱Phil Collins名曲的专辑中献唱外,更有进军大屏幕的准备,看来Kelis这颗新星才刚正要发光发热.

There is nothing special about me
I am just a lil star
If it seems like I'm shining
It's probably a reflection of something you already are
I forget about myself sometime
When there's so many other around
When deep inside you feel the darkest
That is where I can always be found
That is where I can always be found
That is where I can always be found

Just keep trying and trying
It's just a matter of timing
Though the grinding is tiring
Don't let 'em stop you from smiling
Just keep trying and trying
Sooner or later you'll find it
It's surprising how inspiring
It is to see you shining
Cause in the dark of the night you're all i can see
and you sure look like a star to me

There is nothing special about me
I am just a lil star
If you try to reach out an touch me
you'll see that I'm not really that far
I may not be the brightest nor am I the last one you’ll see
But as long as you notice, that’s just fine with me
Everything’s just fine with me
Everything’s just fine with me

Just keep trying and trying
It's just a matter of timing
Though the grinding is tiring
Don't let 'em stop you from smiling
Just keep trying and trying
Sooner or later you'll find it
It's surprising how inspiring
It is to see you shining
Cause in the dark of the night you're all i can see
and you sure look like a star to me
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