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绝对好听Nobody Wants To Be Lonely (Duet With Ricky Martin)

sosyao 发表于 2006-12-15 13:55:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Ricky Martin - Nobody Wants To Be Lonely

There you are
In a darkened room
And you're all alone
Looking out the window
Your heart is cold and lost the will to love
Like a broken arrow

Here I stand in the shadows
Come to me, Come to me
Can't you see that
Nobody wants to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry
My body's longing to hold you
so bad it hurts inside
Time is precious and it's slipping away
and I've been waiting for you all of my life
Nobody wants to be lonely so why
Why don't you let me love you

Can you hear my voice
Do you hear my song
It's a serenade
So your heart can find me
And suddenly your flying down the stairs
Into my arms, baby
Before I start going crazy
Run to me, Run to me
Cause I'm dying
Nobody wants to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry
My body's longing to hold you
so bad it hurts inside
Time is precious and it's slipping away
and I've been waiting for you all of my life
Nobody wants to be lonely so why
Why don't you let me love you

I want to feel you need me
Just like the air you're breathing
I need you here in my life
Don't walk away, don't walk away
don't walk away, don't walk away
No, no, no, no
Nobody wants to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry
Nobody wants to be lonely
I don't want to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry
I don't want to cry
My body's longing to hold you
I'm longing to hold you
so bad it hurts inside
Time is precious and it's slipping away
and I've been waiting for you all of my life
Nobody wants to be lonely so why
Why don't you let me love you

Why don't you let me love you

Why, oh why, why, why, why, why
Nobody wants to be lonely
I don't want to cry
Nobody wants to cry
My body's longing to hold you
so bad it hurts inside
Nobody wants to be lonely
I don't want to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry

拉丁新天王Ricky Martin

1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖最耀眼的大奖得主、拉丁新天王Ricky Martin,从拉丁乐坛出身、跃登世界舞台顶端成为国际巨星,洋溢的才华并同时纵横电视、舞台剧以及音乐等艺术领域,早已为他自己写下了一个传奇的演艺生涯史。自1991年发表其首张个人西班牙文同名专辑至今,Ricky Martin虽只发表过4张西班牙文专辑,但其所有作品在全球的累积销量却已达1千5百万张(目前不只),其中为他赢得葛莱美音乐奖 "最佳拉丁流行艺人"大奖的"Vuelve 让爱继续",早已在台狂销、创下全球21国白金销售纪录!之后,同名英文专辑"Ricky Martin",更为他的音乐生涯写下另一篇扉页!

  1971年12月24日出生于波多黎各San Juan地区的Ricky Martin,年纪虽轻,但所经历过的演艺洗礼与目前所达到的地位,却是许多前辈们难以望其项背的, 而他的演艺事业确实也常因一些重要的参与计划而创出高潮,例如:他第一次 打入北美市场的演出作品《综合医院》,是美国多年来收视率最高、制播时间 最久的肥皂剧之一;而他首度参加演出的百老汇舞台剧《悲惨世界(Les Mise rables)》,也是票房最高、口碑最好的舞台剧作之一。不过,综观其整个演艺事业,表现最耀眼的仍要属音乐部份了。首先,他在12岁时参加的Menudo合 唱团,是拉丁流行乐史上到目前为止,最受欢迎的青少年偶像团体;之后,成 为独唱歌者的Ricky,不但在音乐创作上有优异的表现,更不因自己出身于拉 丁地区而受限,成功进军北美英语市场,并在其它国际市场攻城掠地:他于 1996年初发表的强烈拉丁节奏单曲单曲“Maria”,不但是墨西哥当地的冠军曲,并打破语言藩篱地登上美国告示牌杂志的流行单曲榜,接着又在1997整个年度间,席卷全球各国排行榜,分别在法国创下雄距榜首王座达九周之久纪录,以及在全欧榜获得亚军、在英国、德国、意大利、比利时及纽西兰等地皆拥 有Top 10排行席次的傲人佳绩在遥远的法国更雄踞榜首王座达九周之久!

拥有那么多令人望尘莫及的优异成绩,Ricky Martin的魅力可说是闻名全球,“电动马达的屁股”、“发自内心的微笑”皆是他个人独到的特色,1999年两次来台举办演唱会及亚洲唯一场签名会,造成台北万人空巷的场面都不是随一位巨星能够与他相提并论的,相信这股由他所造成的拉丁热潮将延烧到下一世纪
多多 发表于 2006-12-15 16:56:06 | 显示全部楼层
合唱的8错捏 很有节奏感

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绘羽千本 发表于 2006-12-19 16:15:23 | 显示全部楼层
以前总和Lonely no more一起听的

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batman3000 发表于 2006-12-21 18:12:21 | 显示全部楼层

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﹣Ga°. 发表于 2006-12-21 18:31:52 | 显示全部楼层

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