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ProxyDetector is a free & OpenSource Proxy detector using PHP4 or PHP5. Can be used on Linux (Unix, etc) and also on Win. He also can know if an user using the TOR network.
Web-based proxy bypasser coded in PHP. bblocked allows you to quickly and easily setup your very own proxy bypass site! Requires PHP >= 4.3.0, and is fully compatible with PHP 5.
looks like better than phproxy and well structured.
MultiCurl class library is a solution for work with MULTI CURL PHP extension. It provides to execute some parallel HTTP requests with limit of downloaded size. Example: start 100 downloads with 2 parallel sessions, and get only first 100 Kb per session.
WML/XHTML Gateway is php application that work like common web based proxy which converts the result into wml or xhtml compatible page (without javascript or style) on the fly
Utilized multiple 3rd party classes, including PHProxy.class.php which is extracted and rewritten from PHProxy project's inc fiel maybe useful for any other purpose.
HTML2PDF is a PHP4 class using FPDF. It can convert HTML to PDF. More details and examples on
GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter for PHP
GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter for PHP. Used to highlight almost any code for the web. Nearly 100 supported languages: PHP, HTML, C and more. Styles can be changed on the fly and CSS classes can be used to reduce the amount of XHTML compliant output.
QuickSkin is renamed from the original (SmartTemplate)
QuickSkin is renamed from the original (SmartTemplate). QuickSkin is a PHP Template Engine/Compiler designed to support large scale, web based applications. HTML Templates are compiled to native PHP code and executed very fast. Small footprint. PHP4/5.
d20 4th Edition Character Sheet
Simple, printable, HTML rendition of a Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition character sheet. You can fill data through a PHP script and display your characters online easily.
Modular PHP Gaming
Modular Gaming is a PHP5 OOP game engine designed with MVC principles. It is genre independent and plugins are included for most common types. We use Smarty templating engine, html purifier, active tables (part of activephp) and spyr (adobe AJAX library)
ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones. Requires Javascript on the client to track clicks, PHP and GD on the server to log clicks and generate the heatmap. |