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小飞鱼102 发表于 2005-12-16 19:16:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
be Human(做人类)
I analyze and I verify and I classify enough我分析,而且我查证,我定量
One hundred percentile一百个百分位
No errors,no miss没有错误,没有过错
I synchronize and I specialize and I classify so much 我同步化 特殊化  分许多类
Don't worry bout dreaming不要烦恼 做梦吧
Because I don't sleep因为我不睡觉吧
I wish I could ar least 30 percent但愿至少有30%的梦可以看见
Maybe 50 for pleasure或许50%会快乐
Then skip all the rest然后剩下的20%什么也不做

If only was more human如果我更像人类的话
I would count every single second the rest of my life我会计算剩下的人生的每分每秒
If I just could be more human如果我仅仅更像人类的话
I'd have so many little  babies  and maybe a wife我会要许多孩子 还有一个妻子
I'd roll around the mud我将会在泥里打滚
And have lots of fun有许多乐趣

Then when I was done 然后当我做完那些
Build bubblebath towers and swim in the tub建一个冒泡的浴盆 可以游泳
Sand castles on the beach在海滩上建沙子城堡
Frolis in the sea在海洋中嬉戏
Get a borken knee玩到折断膝盖骨
Be scared of the dark and i'd sing out of key在黑暗里害怕 唱着走调的歌

Cuss when I lost a fight 当我大家输了的时候 会乱骂
Kiss and reunite亲吻 而后又和好
Scratch a spider bite被蜘蛛咬到
Be happy with wrinkles I got when I smiled当我微笑的时候 皱纹满脸
Pet kittens til they purred逗着小猫玩
Maybe keep a bird也许养一只鸟
Always keep my word总是信守我的承诺

I'd cry at sad movies我将会在看悲剧电影时哭
I'd buy a big bike我将会买一辆大的脚踏车
And I'd have lots of friends而且我将会有许多朋友
And I'd stay out til late而且我将会外出直到很晚

If I could just be more human如果我仅仅能更像人类
I would see every little thing with a gleam in mu eye我会用眼睛的微笑看着每一细小事物
If only was more human 如果只是更像人类
I'd embrace every single feeling that came in my life我将会拥抱生活中的所有情感
Would I care and be forgiving?我会成为关心人并宽大的人吗?
Would I be sentmental and would I feel loneliness或者是一个伤感的 寂寞的人?
Would I doubt and have misgivings?我会怀疑而且担忧吗?

[ Last edited by 小飞鱼102 on 2005-12-16 at 07:25 PM ]
於今十載 发表于 2005-12-16 19:30:00 | 显示全部楼层

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绘羽千本 发表于 2005-12-16 22:34:08 | 显示全部楼层

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