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Simaril 发表于 2005-5-31 16:15:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Original World

Chapter One: The beginning
  That was all happen on a teenager named Fox.
  This is the last few days of Fox in the University of Liverpool. Two years ago, he came to this strange place and started his studying.
  His full name is Foxy Chan; Chan is a Chinese family name. Fox is a flattering animal in the western world. So that is why he uses this name. He come from China, to sense the new culture, new social atmosphere, and senses the great thing come form the great economy. People always said British people are very gentleman, but practically that such gentlemen will fight together just from a football match. And the most amazing thing to Fox is that Liverpool men hate Manchester men because of one football game. Teachers and Students are the same as that sort guy. Some people are very expressive, very friendly, some people are coolness. There are more thousands people come form hundreds nation you can see in this university. Some foreign people are racism as they thought they are always better than everyone. Live in Liverpool you will also feel isolate and bored. There are short of close, loyalty friend. How to find the touchstone or something good in this culture is what Fox want to find out. Just, he is not a foxy fox...
  This day, he finally finishes his postgraduate dissertation. Graduate is not far from him. What can I do after I get the diploma? This is what Fox is thinking now. There is a good word: Life is short, play more. Don’t think too much, just have a good vacation. These days are Fox’s holiday, so he through a long distant to spend his holiday in London.
  To talk about British culture, if you are a fancier of fantastic literature, you must know how British people offer their wise to this literature. The centurial book The Lord of The Rings is written by a brilliant writer J.R.R. Tolkien. The most famous book in this world, Harry Potter is written by a prosperous female writer J.K. Rowling. He decide to visit the library in London when he thinking about that. He thinks that is much better than walk on a commercial street where fill with sweethearts isolate, and, also much ‘gentleman’.
  Eventually, he found a library nearby the London Museum. This library looks neither very big nor very small. He never heard this library. When come in this library, and saw a red carpet upon the floor, the wall is made from woods and a luxurious light connect with the roof. There are two flours in this library, connect with a stairs what made from gold. The people visits in here are not very more but they are all look like gentlemen. In conclusion, there is such a nice place.
  What nice books Fox can find in here? He finds some ancient drama, history, chronicle what even English speak people are hard to understand. He is nearly faint after a few minutes. It was in this moment, he found a very special ancient history book, and the point is, this book’s language what he cannot understand! This language is not English, Ch. Character, even without any English letter, that mean this language is also not a Europe language, not Latin, not Spanish… What can this language be!? Maybe this is some rare legacy or heritage from some ancient civilization culture? It means it maybe very valuable! Regardless of what this book is, Fox will read first.
  “The History of Original Earth, Zetermice Angelo,” Fox shake his head, “What a strange book.” Then he feel a consuming amazing: How can he understand this language what he never seems before!? He can use his own language to read this strange language just because the definition appears in his mind! “Maybe I saw this language before, just hide in my deep memory.” Fox thought. The majorities people in Britain usual believe human souls will never be destroy, we can reborn and have the next life what Fox didn’t deny. “Maybe my last life is a person who can understand this language. Anyhow, that is too amazing. ”Fox continue his reading.
  “‘50 years before the Original Year, the deities Zetermice come to Original Earth. The majority wise races were born in this period. There are night and day, four seasons in each year. All lives life with the Original Earth.’ Looks like bullshit,”Fox smile and said, “Two years after Original Year, the leader of all wise creature Zetermice betray all lives in Original Earth, they god the light of the Earth, all locations darkness, all lives darkness. Original Earth was chilled, all lives saw the End day come miserable.”
  Regardless of if Fox is reading correct, there are also very hard to read such much article, so he turn to the last page, but he surprisingly find, after the middle pages, there are nothing on the paper! So Fox turn to the last page of what there are characters.
  “‘There are short words here: Alence Calendar the 8th age 376, the race of Shadow was built in Auntasu Continent, they ever imperil the other races in Auntasu Continent. The first year of Alence Calendar the 9th age. The heir of Alence Ore and White Rock are allied together to against the power of Shadow, and they are successes, that is why this year become the first of Alence Calendar the 9th age as the 5981 years after the Original Year. The 9th age 291, the descendant of Zetermice was appearing in the Original Earth.’ That’s all.”
  Nonetheless Fox has no idea, he still want to borrow this book and go to his residence then to study this strange history book. He pat the book’s fronts cover for gets rid of the dust and bring it to the counter.
  “You want to borrow this book? Oh, god, I nearly forgot there are still has this book.” The administrator is a old man as old as 60 years. He looks over and over this book, “I really forgot…”
  “Do you know what the language in this book from?” Fox ask.
  “Never seem. This is such a old library, in here you find the language used from ancient Greece to The Middle Europe, but just without this language. Do you understand?” The old man asks.
  “Maybe yes, maybe no, I need a person who can understand this language to poor if I am right.”
  “I can see you are a good teenager, young man, I lend this book to you free.” The old man gives this book to Fox.
  “Really!? That is such a great thing!” then Fox look at his watch, “It is already 7 p.m. I have to go, my resident is in Liverpool! Oh god, could I find a vehicle to go home?”
  “If the weather allows,” Said by the old man, “but I don’t think you can be able to go.” Old man make Fox to watch out, there is a terrible rain with many terrible thunder! Fox has no way to do.
  “I can lend you my umbrella.” Say the kind old man. “You need to find a place like a inn to spend the night, it is a long way from Liverpool to London.” Fox accept this kind old man’s suggestion and get his umbrella. He has don't have much money, wherever he goes, if he wants to come to Liverpool, he needs to take more from the bank. In fact, he don't have much living expenses left, but it is more than enough to spend his last few day in Britain, he can be able to live as a ‘squanderer’.
  Fox walk on the road against the terrible rain hardly. Finally, he fined a warmer pub—at least to a wet through one. It would be quite wrong to consider the average English pub as anything other than respectable, friendly place that provide good drink, good for and a pleasant social atmosphere. The guys who in here look not bad, even sometimes some alcoholics will do bad thing in such this place. Fox never drinking, he has nothing to do in here, just take a whiskey, and pray the damn rain stop immediately. To his surprise, the rains just stop! There are transparent sky after the rain, the wet ground reflect the beautiful moonlight. It is hard to say Fox is too fortune or this is too unbelievable. Anyway, the best thing Fox can do is just go, before he leave London, he need to return the umbrella to the library administrator—the old man.
  He goes to the library along the way what he went to the pub. When he go to the destination, he surprisingly fined there is just a discarded apartment, nothing more. There is not a complicate way, Fox is very sure he does not have had the wrong way. It just disappears! The library, is disappears! He look at the umbrella what borrowed form the library old man, do nothing.
  “Hey, kid, what on earth you doing here?” Fox turn around follow a strange voice, he see a man in black and a sunglass, he looks like the “men in black” descried by the legend story.
  “I…I saw a library here, I swear! “Fox say.
  “I believe in you, your book in your hand was borrowed from ‘the library’. “The man in black seems know everything.
  “Who are you really?” Fox stare at this man very perplexed, “How do you know about this?”
  “Can you understand the language from the book?” the man in black asks return.
  “If I say I do?” Fox say.
  “That proofs you are The One, maybe.”
  “The One? What is The One?” Fox do not understand absolutely.
  “Follow me, if you are The One really, all will beginning.” Fox find there is a Mercedes stop behind the man in black. He opens the car’s door, motion make Fox get in the Mercedes. These all are too unbelievable, just like someone arrange everything beforehand. Fox also think, if he wants the answer, the truth, he must follow this strange man.
  Fox sit down in the behind set, the man in black get in the driver set as a driver. Fox realize there is another one in the behind set, a person who dress a long black dress, and hated a beautiful large edge hat. He…not he, it is she; she is a beautiful, sexy lady! She put off his hat, Fox can see her golden, slip, beautiful long hair, but the half of her hair is red, very national color, he don’t think that is not the real color. Her face is beautiful as a goddess, an angel. She has a green eyes as green as a jade, but the pupils of her eyes as read as blood. In conclusion, she is a really beautiful lady, but Fox is also has the strange sense from this beautiful lady.
  She looks the book from Fox casually, and says, “You can read this book, don’t you?”
  “Yes, I do. But how could you authenticate if I am really understand or just my fantasy?” Fox asks in return.
  “Don’t worry; owing to I am the other one who can understand this language.” These words make Fox very amazing, “In that case, please read this paragraph for me.” The mystical female show Fox a paragraph from the mystical book.
  “Maybe…maybe I could only use my own language…English…to read it.” Fox says hem and haw.
  “Anytime, I just need you poor your idea.”
  Then Fox read the paragraph hem and haw.
  “Yap, generally corrects. That is good.” The lady says with a smile, “You are the one who I search for a long long time. You are The One who will appear in my prophecy.”
  “What is that mean? He (the man in black) was say the similar thing yet. Why do you call me ‘The One’ just I can understand this language? Maybe, maybe that is some memories from my last life remain in my mind. There are many similar events in this world. I think that can’t poor anything!”
  “You are right, your ability what could understand this language is not from your this life. When you show your natural gift, which means you can’t continue your own life.”
  “What? But, why?”
  “Don’t you know how many governments used to devote their matrices to create a new language as a top secret code? Maybe you should know how important the American Indian language in The Second World War.” The diver—man in black says.
  “What means, your mean you are work for government?”
  “You are thinking too far.” The lady says and smiles, “Don’t worry, I promise you shouldn’t disappoint to what will happen to you, and you also need to face your fate. We will bring you to a place where belong to you.”
  Fox says nothing more, instead sit here silence, and imagine the unbelievable place.

  Fox come to his dream; he sees many unbelievably beautiful places, a new world he never seems before. Finally, the mystical lady wake Fox up—they are arrive the destination.
  Fox get off the Mercedes; there is a boundless place, a field. After the mystical female talk to the driver stealthily, the Mercedes is gone, left them here.
  “But why? Don’t you want to go back?” Fox asks the female.
  “Correctly,” the lady answers naturally, “Is your name Fox? Fox, have you ever heard filed circle?”
  “Yes, I did. It is a particular symbol what you can only see in the sky, it was made by some ‘super natural power’ to the crops. I also knew that can be made by human.”
  “Follow me,” the mystical lady goes along a path what made by the crops fall over! Now they are in a particular field circle! “Sometimes filed circles were made by human, sometimes they were not. They are a holy symbol, an enlighten”
  “Why do we enter this filed circle? What will happen?” Fox asks.
  “It is an enlighten for you, is the beginning of all thing. It is also a magic symbol be made by me.” The lady continues saying some unapproachable thing. She bring Fox for a long distant, eventually, they arrive the destination. Fox find there are many filed circles around him! She takes out the book, closes eyes, and speak some strange language what Fox never heard as some particular incantation. Then a largely wind around Fox.
  “What will happen to me?” Fox speak loudly.
  But the girl continues her incantation, a moment later, she stop as if the incantation is finished, “You will go to a world where belong and also not belong to you.”
  “What?” Fox ask much more loudly, “I just nearly to get the diploma, I have to go on my life, do you want to cut my life?”
  “Therefore, what is your life really?” The lady asks softly, “I thought you should find what is really belongs to you, you cannot just avoid your fate, why don’t you try to control your fate?”
  “But… I still don’t understand…”
  “You will know, maybe some day we will meet again, but not very soon.” Those are the last wards what the mystical lady says.
  A bright light appear in front of Fox, then he lost his mind…

  He doesn’t know how long past, just when he sense something shakes him, he wake up. He feels terrible cold and isolated—he is in the middle of an unknowing ocean! He just stay in a boat, there are a terrible storm what never mercy any creature. “Is this my fate? Really I am going to die here?” Fox is so despair, he waiting for the death, but he lost his mind again very soon. When wake up next time, he find he is in a ship—a sailing ship! The storm is continue, he just be rescued by the seamen who work on this sailing ship.
  What unbelievable. Fox understands some evidence of such this entire thing.
(To be continued)
NZZ 发表于 2005-5-31 16:16:22 | 显示全部楼层
还To be continued 看来摸人想看咯

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k7124 发表于 2005-5-31 16:16:59 | 显示全部楼层

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我爱乔巴 发表于 2005-5-31 16:19:34 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| Simaril 发表于 2005-5-31 16:20:21 | 显示全部楼层
我就会写点小说了,诗歌水平不高. 如果能找小V帮我作诗就好了

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viola 发表于 2005-5-31 16:37:46 | 显示全部楼层
What a marvellous imagination I would like to say~~
I'm quite sure that you could become a excellent writer someday~~
The leading character in novel found a magic book which is written in a strange language that everyone has never seen before~~
I really admire you for your brilliant fancy part ~~
From the bottom of my heart~~

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 楼主| Simaril 发表于 2005-5-31 16:44:36 | 显示全部楼层
viola  在 2005-5-31 04:37 PM 发表:

What a marvellous imagination I would like to say~~
I'm quite sure that you could become a excellent writer someday~~
The leading character in novel found a magic book which is written in a stran ...

I am appreciat for your praise! I never heard someone appreciat my novel so much.
And you really read my novel, and enjoy my fantasical world, that's awesome to me.
I have to say your literature attainments is much better than me, yeah I am pretty sure.
What I learn is how to improve my Enligsh reading skill and vacobulary, but I am hard to use such a beautiful a heardbreaken words as you used in your lcys.

I really enjoy to talk with you.
Can you tell me what kind of English course you learning? Or your excellent skills are just from self-study?

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viola 发表于 2005-5-31 17:07:50 | 显示全部楼层
Stop praising me~~please~~
I'm going to pass out~~
I have been to Singpore to study Engish for almost half a year~`
Their litertures and mathematics got me going crazy~~
Till September~English will not be my major anymore~~
I'm interested in learning Japanese nowadays~~
I have already chosen my major-Japanese last week~~
So I have to keep on improving my English skills by myself~~
or ask you to teach me~~xixi~`
Will you~~

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仰望天空 发表于 2005-5-31 17:09:09 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| Simaril 发表于 2005-5-31 17:11:08 | 显示全部楼层
Oh no, Japanaese, the one language I don't want to learn any closer.
I will feel pain if I go to learn Jap, I hate Japan, no reason...

[ Last edited by Simaril on 2005-5-31 at 05:16 PM ]

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viola 发表于 2005-5-31 17:57:32 | 显示全部楼层
I used to think that Spanish is the most mysterious language~~`
When I begin to be involved in it, lots of troubles turn out~~
For example~~
the pronunciation is so complicated,my tongue could not twist well~~
It's a real sad one~~
To learn Spanish well could be my dream~~
Someone told me that~~
Never loose your passion to your dream~~
Learning Japanese is another dream of mine~~
Just for its nice sound and my favorite comics~~

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angelのsky 发表于 2005-5-31 17:58:44 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| Simaril 发表于 2005-5-31 18:02:47 | 显示全部楼层
I hope one day your dream will come true.
elfian is another language that I admire most but no one will speak it. I want it just for its beautiful pronunciation, not else.
Although I enjoy to watch Jpanese animation but I still hate Japan. I kow the principle that donimate one more language is better to you. Yet I still won't to try it.
So be it. Get your dream, enjoy your "green life".

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蓝色火焰 发表于 2005-5-31 19:56:14 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| Simaril 发表于 2005-5-31 19:56:58 | 显示全部楼层
蓝色火焰  在 2005-5-31 07:56 PM 发表:



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冰蓝沸点 发表于 2005-6-1 00:57:52 | 显示全部楼层

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