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yuqile 发表于 2005-1-14 13:21:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
To: All honorable members of the society致全社会正直的有良知的公民们
     Dear Sir, and/or Mdm,亲爱的先生/女士:
     If you have watched TV, read newspapers, or turned on the radio thi
s past several days, you may heard of the riots in Indonesia. News media are
telling us the Indonesian Pribumis (Malay) people are rising up against the
Suharto dictatorship. We are told that the Indonesia poor Malay suffered a lot
under Suharto’s corrupted regime, and they wanted change.
     The Indonesia Pribumis (Malay) comprises over 80% of the total popu
lation. Most of them are Muslims. The Indonesian ethnic Chinese minority are m
ostly Buddhist or Christian. The news media portrayed the Indonesian Malay as
honest,decent, peace loving people who rioted because they were hungry, the
y were poor, and they were victimized by Suharto,and his filthy-rich Indones
ian Chinese allies.
     who is Suharto? Is Suharto an Indonesian Pribumi (Malay,)
     or is he an Indonesian Chinese? Is Suharto a Muslim, or is he a Chr
istian or a Buddhist? Aren’t you curious that almost all reports about the I
ndonesian rioters savagely attacking businesses owned by the Indonesian ethnic
Chinese minority come with the DISCLAIMER-like pseudo- economic news attachme
nt that reminds us of the “disproportion wealth gap“ between the Chinese and
the Malay in Indonesia?
     A disclaimer-like news attachment usually looks like this:“The Indo
nesian ethnic Chinese minority only comprises less than 4% of the Indonesian p
opulation, but they controlled more than (70%, 75%, 80%,85%, 90%, take
your pick) of the entire Indonesian economy.“
     Don’t you find it strange the news media attach an ECONOMIC disclaim
er whenever they report the BLATANTLY RACIST RIOTS in Indonesia perpetrated by
people om the MAJORITY RACE against people of the MINORITY RACE?
     Could it be possible that 4% of the population controlling over 90% o
f the economy? Suharto and his family are reported to have accumulated up to
40 BILLION USD in wealth. Is Suharto and his family counted among the 4% of th
e population? Is Suharto and his family ethnically CHINESE?
     Is the World Press reporting om Indonesia consistent with their repor
ting om elsewhere around the world? Here are several recent world events, as
reported to us by the same International Media:
     印尼的国际新闻(World Press)跟他们在世界其他地方的报道一致吗?下面是
     In Rwanda, when the MAJORITY Hutus attacked and massacre the minorit
y Tutsis, the World Press reported it as a racial-based tragedy. There was no
mention of the economic differences. In Bosnia, when the MAJORITY Serbs and/
or the Croats attacked and massacre the Bosnia Muslims, the International Med
ia told us it was religious-based.
     The conflicts between the Albanian and Serbs in Kosovo are being repo
rted as race-based conflicts.Why then, whenever the Indonesian Malay MAJORITY
savagely attacked the Indonesian Chinese minority, the World Media kept on i
nsisting that the attacks motivated by RACIST hatred were ECONOMIC-related rio
     Have you heard any single news story that portrayed the Indonesian Ma
lay as racists for their attack on Chinese owned businesses? Have you wonder
why the Indonesian Malay only attacked the Chinese shops, and not the Malay,
American, British, or Arabian businesses?
     Are ALL Indonesian Chinese FILTHY-RICH? Of the Indonesian Chinese,
only 5% can be classified as wealthy. The rest -NINETY-FIVE PERCENT (95%) -
of them are either in the medium or lower-income strata of the Indonesian econ
omy. Today, many Indonesian ethnic Chinese are still living in wooden shacks
because they can NOT afford brick houses. Many of the poor Indonesian Chinese
worked very hard but they still find it extremely difficult to make enough mon
ey to feed and house their family. Most of the really wealthy Indonesian Chine
se already LEFT Indonesia. Those stayed behind in Indonesia are the poor Chine
se who don’t have the economic means to escape. And they are those whose busi
nesses are being LOOTED, whose merchandizes are being PLUNDERED, whose build
ings are being TORCHED, whose women are being RAPED, and whose children are
     They are the ones made homeless by the Pribumis savagery attacks, th
ey are made even poorer for having their small business totally destroyed by t
he rioters. The shops that were destroyed were mostly mom-and-pop type of smal
l business. With their shops burnt to the ground, those already poor Chinese
gotten even POORER. They lost not only their businesses, they lost their home
, and they lost many of their family members who were killed by the Indonesia
n Malay rioters.
     How many of the news reports you have read regarding the Indonesian r
iots mentioned all these facts? What is the percentage of those news reports
even talked about the Chinese who were BRUTALLY BUTCHERED by the rioters?
     Think back for a minute, of the many of the news reports you have re
ad about Indonesia, can you think of one which mentioned the number of Chines
e killed in by the Malay rioters? How many of those news reports focused on t
he plight of the Indonesian ethnic Chinese minority?
     Did the News Media ever tell us how many Chinese were hurt?
     Did they tell us how many Chinese women were RAPED?
     Did they tell us how many Chinese were SLAUGHTERED?
     Did they described to us what type of HORRIBLE DEATHS the Chinese had
suffered by the hands of the BRUTAL HANDS of the Malay rioter媒体向我们描绘过
     Do you know the story of the innocent THREE-YEAR-OLD Chinese GIRL who
was BRUTALLY BUTCHERED by the Indonesian Malay rioters when they broke into h
er parents house, in Tanjong Pinang, of Indonesia? The rioters first broke
into her parents’ house. They KILLED her grandmother. Then the rioters RAPED
and BUTCHERED her mother Finally they MURDERED this INNOCENT 3 year-old Chines
e GIRL, by smashed open her skull, with a metal pipe.您知道一个无辜的三岁女孩

     Has CNN reported this news?
     Has BBC covered this event?
     Has AP, UPI, or Reuters distributed this story?
     Wonder why none of the Wold Press is interested in reporting the horr
ible death of an INNOCENT 3-year-old GIRL? Was it because the little girl is
om the Indonesia ethnic Chinese minority background? Was it because her famil
y is definitely NOT rich, which may jeopardized the “Indonesian Chinese FILT
HY-RICH“ image painted by so many journalists reporting om Indonesia, for th
e World Media?
尼华人 不正当富人“的说法?
     Was it because she was a innocently sweet little girl,unlike the “I
ndonesian Chinese COLD-HEARTED, EVIL BUSNESSMEN“ image so many journalists w
ould have us believed?
     Was it because her INNOCENCE may proved to us that Indonesian Chinese
are flesh-and-blood human beings, much like the rest of the humanities,whic
h again, may smash the “Indonesian Chinese nON-HUMAN“ image many members of
the World Press would like to plant deep into our minds?

     what motivated the International Press members to engage in such a wo
rld-wide scale of DIS-INFORMATION campaign?
     Why are so many journalists trying to make the Indonesian ethnic Chin
ese minority into a “FILTHY-RICH,“ “COLD- HEARTED,“ and “EVIL“ people,
and In the meantime they try to portray the Indonesian pribumi (Malay) riot
ers, who would NOT even spare the life of an INNOCENT 3-year-old LITTLE GIRL,
     是什么促使国际出版社(International Press)的人忙于散布这样一个世界性
     The Indonesian Chinese are the VICTIMS, the Indonesian Pribumis are
the PETRATORS. But yet, every time a news story of Chinese houses being burne
d, the same news story also told us how WEALTHY those Chinese are. Did you ev
er read a news report which scrutinized the wealth of the victims who just had
their house burned to the ground?
     Every time there is a mention about Chinese business being looted, t
here is also a mention of how much ECONOMIC POWER those Chinese have.

     How many time have you ever read a news report which linked the econo
mic status of a mug victim, to the crime (of mugging) itself? just how cre
dible are the news reports om Indonesia? How ludicrous the journalists want t
o be?
     How much DIS-INFORMATION they are allowed to pump out before they are
called to task to answer for all the GARBAGES they have written? Are the Ind
onesian ethnic Chinese minorities strong allies of Suharto?
     The Indonesian ethnic Chinese minorities had been victimized under th
e Suharto-led Pribumi government……
     Although they are ethnic Chinese, they are NOT allowed to have a Chi
nese name. The Suharto-led Pribumi regime dictated that NO Chinese in Indonesi
a can have Chinese name. ALL Chinese in Indonesia MUST have Indonesian name,
or they will not be granted an Indonesian citizenship.
     This law only applies to the ethnic Chinese.A person with Italian anc
estry applying for an Indonesian citizenship is allowed to keep his Italian na
     A person born in Indonesia by a Mexican parentage is allowed to carry
a Mexican name on his Indonesian citizenship form. A Russian is allowed to ke
ep his Russian name as well. ONLY the Chinese are prohibited om having a Chine
se name. The law specifically discriminates against the ethnic Chinese. Indone
sian Chinese are NOT allowed to learn the Chinese language.
     In Indonesia, a couple of om Nigeria can teach their children the Ni
gerian language. Anyone interested in learning French can enrolled into French
courses offered in several Indonesian colleges and universities. But if a Chi
nese is caught learning the Chinese language in Indonesia, 「s」he may be thr
own into jail for breaking the anti-Chinese law.
汉语,他(她)们将因破坏反中文法(anti-Chinese law)被抓进监狱。
     A person caught TEACHING Chinese language in Indonesia may face the D
EATH penalty if he is charged under the “subversive“ act. In Indonesia, ONL
Y the Chinese-language is forbidden. Indonesian Chinese are not allowed to cel
ebrate the Chinese New year.
     In Indonesia, Muslim’s holy days such as Ramadan are celebrated. In
Indonesia, Christian’s holy days like Christmas and Easter are celebrated.
But in Indonesia, the Indonesian Chinese are prohibited om celebrating their
Chinese New Year. In Indonesia, the Chinese are not allowed to work for the g
     Persons om Brazilian or German heritage are not barred om working in
the Indonesian government. But a ethnic Chinese who was born in Indonesia is n
ot allowed to work in ANY Indonesian government department.
     In Indonesia, the Chinese are discriminated.The ethnic Chinese are n
ot permitted to have permanent land title. The same restriction does NOT apply
to Caucasian om the United States, however.
     在印尼,华人是受歧视的。印尼华人不能得到永久的土地权(permanent land
     The ethnic Chinese are prohibited om obtaining governmental scholarsh
ips. No such restriction for people of ANY OTHER ethnic background. The Indone
sian ethnic Chinese minority is the ONLY group of people in Indonesia who are
officially PERSECUTED by the Suharto-led regime.
     A coup led by Suharto, back in the 1960’s, resulted in a total def
eat of PKI (Parti Komunis Indonesia, or the Indonesian Communist Party)。 S
uharto and his army cracked down on members of the PKI, and more than 2 MILLI
ON people died during the purging process.
     60年代苏哈托发起的政变使得PKI(Parti Komunis Indonesia或印尼共产党)彻
     Among the dead were more than 300,000 (some estimates ran up to mor
e than 500,000) INNOCENT ethnic Chinese who had nothing to do with neither S
uharto, nor PKI, were MURDERED.
     How possible do you think a group of victims will strongly supported
the person 「or regime」 who stripped them the right to practice their own cul
     Mild-mannered people don’t loot, plunder, rape or kill people, no
matter how economically-challenged they are. The Indonesian Pribumis who loot
ed, plundered, raped and killed the chinese are definitely NOT mild-mannered
     The Indonesia Malay attacked the Chinese not for the money,the attac
ked the Chinese because they 「Pribumis」 are RACISTS. The attacks are blatant
     Why is the World Press keep avoiding to report the TRUTH?
     Why are the journalists trying so hard to hide all those RACIST ATTAC
KS under the economic banner?
     What objective「s」 the World Media like to achieve by misguiding us,
their audiences?
     What are the possible reason「s」 beneath this massive DIS-INFORMATIO
N campaign?
     We want the world to witness the TRUE PLIGHT of the Indonesian Chines
     We want to spread this TRUTH to the world. Please help us.我们希望真相
     We do not ask for money, we don’t ask for pity. What we ask, and h
ope you will do, is to HELP us.我们不需要钱,不需要怜悯。我们需要“帮助“!

     Help us by distributing this message, to everyone you know. We need
to spread the TRUTH to as many people as we possibly can, we need to tell the
world that the Indonesian Huaren are not the evil people the mass media would
like you to believe.
     We also need your help to contact people in political offices. We urg
ently need outside pressures stop the save the lives of innocent ethnic Chines
e in Indonesia. With only less than 4% of the total population, the ethnic Ch
inese in Indonesia can’t possibly withstand the unrelenting onslaughts by the
Indonesian Malay.我们还需要您的帮助,跟政治力量取得联系。我们急迫地需要外界压
     In Rwanda, the Hutus massacred 500,000 Tutsis. In Indonesia, if th
e world do not step in, over 7 MILLION people may be butchered. This is the t
ime we need as much outside pressure as we possibly can gather. We need the wo
rld’s response to STOP the Indonesian Malays om committing even more heinous
     Please call or fax this message to your local council persons, the m
ayor of your city, your state’s representative, national representative,pa
rliamentarians or congressmen/women,ask them to voice their support PUBLICLY
for the Indonesian Chinese, and ask them to put pressure on the Indonesian go
vernment in preventing more bloodshed om occurring.
     Our heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you for your help.
     We have a web site you can visit.
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