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Boy Meets Girl音乐小屋第十八期—冬暖情深 醉人情歌对唱集

灏梵 发表于 2005-1-3 18:43:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Boy Meets Girl...音乐小屋

冬暖情深 醉人情歌对唱集

告别圣骑士 新年新祈愿

新春伊始,音乐小屋为你 捎上新年的祝福,寄去冬日的暖意
12首精挑细选 醉人情歌对唱集
愿你们生活永远合合美美 幸福平安
也祈愿我自己的爱情 甜甜蜜蜜 不离不弃

Ricky Martin & Meja—Private Emotion



Private Emotion
Every endless night has a dawning day
Every darkest sky has a shining ray
And it shines on you baby can't you see
You're the only one who can shine for me

It's a private emotion that fills you tonight
And a silence falls between us
As the shadows steal the light
And wherever you may find it
Wherever it may lead
Let your private emotion come to me

When your soul is tired and your heart is weak
Do you think of love as one way street
Well it runs both ways, open up your eyes
Can't you see me here, how can you deny

Every endless night has a dawning day
Every darkest sky has a shining ray
It takes a lot to laugh as your tears go by
But you can find me here till your tears run dry

包括爱情的温度 也最容易降至冰点

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Bryan Adams & Sarah McLachlan—Don't Let Go


80 年代最具有影响力的主流摇滚歌手Bryan Adams与拥有天使嗓音的欧西乐坛天后Sarah McLachlan,用各自迷人歌喉,共同谱出超凡脱尘的旷世情歌名曲。

Don't Let Go
I can't believe this moment's come
It's so incredible that we're alone
There's so much to be said and done
It's impossible not to be overcome
Will you forgive me if I feel this way
Cuz we've just met - tell me that's OK
So take this feeling'n make it grow
Never let it - never let it go
(Dont let go of the things you believe in)
You give me something that I can believe in
(Dont' let go of this moment in time)
Go of this moment in time
(Don't let go of things that you're feeling)
I can't explain the things that I'm feeling
(Dont' let go)
No, I won't let go
Now would you mind if I bared my soul
If I came right out and said your'e beautiful
Cuz there's something here I can't explain
I feel I'm diving into driving rain
You get my senses running wild
I can't resist your sweet, sweet smile
So take this feeling'n make it grow
Never let it - never let it go
I've been waiting all my life
To make this moment feel so right
The feel of you just fills the night
So c'mon - just hold on tight


[url=ftp://pop2:[email protected]//Meir/BMG18/Don't%20Let%20Go.mp3]
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[ Last edited by 灏梵 on 2005-1-3 at 06:45 PM ]
 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-1-3 18:46:19 | 显示全部楼层
[url=ftp://pop2:[email protected]/Alessandro/bmg18/Sometimes%20Love%20Just%20Ain't%20Enough.mp3]
Don Henley & Patty Smith --- Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough

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Don Henley,我最喜欢的男声之一。他代表了Eagles的精神,作为Eagles的主唱,Don的单飞绝对是成功的典范,1982年发行首张大碟I Can't Stand Still,两年后的Building the Perfect Beast创造的Top Single、以及,还有后来的The End Of The Innocence等等,一切都证明Don是一位杰出的Solo艺人。但是,和Eagles相比,这些成绩似乎微不足道,1994年在经过一系列的起伏后,Don又重新组合于1982年解散的Eagles,并开始了历史上难得的充满传奇色彩的世界巡回,虽不说其音乐探索之旅的意义如何深远,光是其在巡回中所获得的欢迎程度就说明Eagles绝对是一个奇迹,它归根说是一个精神的象征,Eagles的美国精神。

Patty Smith的经历与Don也有几分类同,她也曾经是一个Rock Band-Scandal的主唱,而且在经历了一段的成功后,最终也是单飞而去。身长在New York City的Queens, Brooklyn及Manhattan 等区域的Patty,很早就尝到了生活的艰辛,由于他父母的离异,造成了Patty接受的教育受到了局限,但是讽刺意义的是,正是在这种差劲的教育中她的词作感觉得到萌芽,这也许也是一种美国精神的体现。

Sometimes Love just ain't enough,92年的产物,名不见经的Miss Smyth和大名鼎鼎的Don Henley先生的合作;也许当时正值Don先生独身时代的关键时刻,所以这个小女生的些许部分的赞同和vocal支持为我们留下了这旋律动听和意境略显迷茫的歌曲。其实这也不是一首简单的情歌,而是一首从社会的角度审视爱情,探讨婚姻失败问题的作品。当时连续数周在美国歌曲排行榜上占据第二名的位置。刚刚在查询这首歌的资料时发现,原来孙燕姿在她的自选集里曾经翻唱了此歌,我怎么一点印象都没有?我可有这张专辑啊 ……
歌曲收入Patty Smyth的同名专集

Don Henley & Stevie Nicks --- Leather And Lace

呵呵,又是一首Don的对唱曲目,毕竟是我喜欢的男声嘛。Leather And Lace也是Don Henley个人音乐生涯里第一首上榜歌曲。

Stevie Nicks来头也不小。如果说Don Henley代表着加州传奇乐团Eagles的话,Stevie Nicks则象征着加州另一支伟大的摇滚乐团Fleetwood Mac。Stevie Nicks于1976年加入了摇摇欲坠的Fleetwood Mac,然后与团员共同创作出“摇滚史上百张最佳专辑”之一的《Rumours》,开创了Fleetwood Mac最璀璨辉煌的年代。她的嗓音充满草根性质与热情活力,深具一种无法解释的的磁力,因而被乐评称为是“彷佛有魔力般”,同时也就此改写了人们本来以为Fleetwood Mac只是个平庸流行乐团的面貌,奠定他们的传奇地位。而81年以个人姿态出击的Stevie Nicks,表现也完全不逊于Fleetwood Mac时期的风采。

同为来自加州最具代表性的音乐人物,两人曾传出过有那么一段恋情。Don Henley更是在Eagles还没有正式解散的81年,就先跑去与Stevie Nicks共同录制此曲。男主角略显苍凉沙哑的嗓音,配上女主角那低沉慵懒的音调,将这首美国南方蓝调摇滚演绎得美妙动人。除此之外,剩下的就是歌曲中弥漫着的那甜甜的爱意了。
歌曲收入Stevie Nicks个人首张专辑Bella Donna

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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-1-3 18:46:46 | 显示全部楼层
N'Sync & Gloria Estefan—Music Of My Heart


人气组合“超级男孩”N'Sync与拉丁天后Gloria Estefan “弦动你心”的柔情完美演绎。

Music Of My Heart
You'll never know
What you've done for me
What your faith in me
Has done for my soul...
You'll never know
The gift you've given me..
I'll carry it with me

Through the days ahead
I think of days before
You made me hope for something better (yes you did)
And made me reach for something more

You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside
Help me hear the music of my heart
You've opened my eyes
You've opened the door
To something I've never known before
And your love...
Is the music of my heart..

You were the one
Always on my side
Always standing by
Seeing me through
You were the song that always made me sing
I'm singing this for you baby

Everywhere I go
I think of where I've been
And of the one who knew me better
Than anyone ever will again

What you taught me
Only your love could ever teach me
You got through when no one could reach me
Cause you always saw in me
All the best that I could be
It was you who set me free...

王子和公主的爱情童话 就一直给自己无数幻想
在童话的王国里 自由的奔跑。。。飞翔。。。

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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-1-3 18:47:04 | 显示全部楼层
Andy Williams&Denise Van Out—Can't Take My Eyes Off You



Can't Take My Eyes Off You
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.

I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay
And let me love you, baby.
Let me love you.


[url=ftp://pop2:[email protected]//Meir/BMG18/Can't%20Take%20My%20Eyes%20Off%20You.mp3]
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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-1-3 18:47:30 | 显示全部楼层

Brian McKnight & Vanessa Williams --- Love Is

Brian McKnight,无可争议的节奏蓝调天王。这位来自美国的黑人歌手,继承了他的肤色同胞们对 Rhythm&Blues 音乐与生俱来的天赋与乐感,能写能唱,出道几年便在全球乐坛刮起了更为猛烈的 R&B 风潮。呵呵,不知有多少人因为那首  而沉迷于他的音乐世界里

当年的美国小姐 Vanessa Williams 带给大家的,除了那美貌的外表与那几部不是太卖座的电影外,就剩下她在音乐上的成就了。平心而论,Vanessa 在音乐领域还算取得了不错的成绩,不说别的,一首  的主题曲 就足已让她留名百世了。不过也许真是 名气太大了,让人记住了电影名,也记住了这首  ,但反而却把演唱者 Vanessa Williams 与她的音乐给忽略了。

Love Is,取自电视连续剧《Beverly Hills, 90210》,非常成功的对唱歌曲。刚刚跨入歌坛的 Brian 与大姐 Vanessa 配合得非常之默契,Brian感性而温柔的男声,Vanessa柔美而伤感的女声,再辅之以动人的旋律。所以此歌在发行之后不久,便闯入了流行歌曲的排行榜,并在1993年5月份上升到了第3名,也就不足为奇了。
歌曲收入Brian Mcknight个人首张同名专辑

Alan Jackson & Alison Krause --- The Angels Cried

Alan Jackson是继Garth Brooks之后,90年代最著名的乡村音乐男歌手,他完整的继承了80年代的新传统主义运动。这位倍受歌迷喜爱的乡村男歌手谦虚而朴实,他擅长自己创作并演唱歌曲,唱法朴实自然,音乐富有深意,他一共拥有着20多首冠军单曲以及更多的前十名单曲。

还有比她更纯净甜美的女声吗?这是我对 Alison Krause 最简单的评价。她的歌,总是洋溢着美好迷人的乡村气息。

两大乡村巨星的音乐结晶。醉人的吉他,淡淡的忧伤,充满着动人的乡村蓝草气息 ~ 好美,好美 …… 连天使都在这轻柔的旋律中,为之哭泣 ……
歌曲收入Alan Jackson专辑Honky Tonk Christmas

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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-1-3 18:47:54 | 显示全部楼层
Diana Ross & MarvinGaye—You Are Everything


黑人灵歌天后Diana Ross与七十年代创作型巨星MarvinGaye倾力合作的温暖情歌,轻快迷人,诙谐有趣,仿佛看到一对恋人的窃窃私语,嫣然巧笑。

You Are Everything
Oh, darling
I want to be everything to you
You are everything

Today I saw somebody who looked just like you
He walked like you do, I thought it was you
As he turned the corner, I called out your name
I felt so ashamed when it wasn’t you
Wasn’t you

You are everything
And everything is you
Oh, you are everything

How can I forget when each face that I see
Brings back memories of being with you, oh, darlin’
I just can’t go on livin’ life as I do
Comparin'each girl with you,
knowin’ they just won’t do
They’re not you, no, no, baby

You are everything
And everything is you
Oh, you are everything

想念你 成了生活的全部
当鬼使神差 跟在一个跟你很象的背影后面,走了很长一段路
我知道 我的生命里已经不能没有你

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Dan Hill & Vonda Shepard—Can’t We Try


加拿大情歌圣手Dan Hill与美丽大方的创作才女Vonda Shepard合唱的催泪浪漫痴情曲。

Can’t We Try
I see your face cloud over like a little girls
And your eyes have lost their shine
You whisper something softly
I`m not meant to hear
Baby tell me what`s on your mind

I don`t` care what people say
About the two of us from different worlds
I love you so much that it hurts inside
Are you listening
Please listen to me girl
Can`t we try just a little bit harder
Can`t we give just a little bit more
Can`t we try to understand
That it`s love we`re fighting for
Can`t we try just a little more passion
Can`t we try just a little less pride
I love you so much baby
That it tears me up inside

I hear you on the telephone
With god knows who
Spilling out your heart for free
Everyone needs someone they can talk to
Girls that someone should be me

So many times I`ve tried to tell you
You just turn away
My life is changing so fast now

Don`t let our love fade away
No matter what people say
I need you more and more each day
Can`t we try just a little bit harder
Can`t we give just a little bit more
Can`t we try just a little more passion
Can`t we try just a little less pride
Love you so much baby
Tears me up inside


Can't we try just a little bit harder?
Can't we give just a little bit more?
Can't we try to understand
that it's love we're fighting for?

[url=ftp://pop2:[email protected]//Meir/BMG18/Can't%20We%20Try.mp3]
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 楼主| 灏梵 发表于 2005-1-3 18:48:20 | 显示全部楼层

Peter Cetera & Chaka Khan --- Feels Like Heaven

Peter Cetera,同样是我最钟爱的男声之一,在音乐小屋第十三期里比较详细介绍过他,就不再重复。在这里重点提一下他的情歌对唱系列 ~ Peter Cetera 自41岁单飞之后,每张个人专辑里面几乎都有一首男女情歌对唱作品,真不知是 Peter热衷于对唱还是魅力依旧呢?毕竟年轻的时候也是欧美乐坛出了名的美男子,这不,除和 Chaka Khan 对唱的此曲之外,手里还握他与 Amy Grant、Cher等女歌手的对唱曲目,都属于柔美感人的上乘之作,有机会陆续放出,大家准备好手帕 ~O~

蓝调实力女唱将 Chaka Khan 成名较早,但到底有多早?我也不太清楚,只知道80年代她曾红极一时,Whitney Houston 在出道之前曾给她当过伴唱。84、85两年,Chaka Khan 连续捧得格莱美最佳R&B女艺人奖,达到了自己演唱事业的颠峰。不知道现在还有多少人记得这个名字?

对于我个人来讲,任何人的对唱情歌都没有 Peter Cetera 的听起来过瘾,他的嗓音高亢不失柔美,充满着成熟男人的阳刚气息,而女声则是委婉动人。武侠小说里关于武功的刚柔并济,在他的歌里反倒是有了最深刻的体会 ~
歌曲收入Peter Cetera专辑World Falling Down

Seal & Mylène Farmer --- Les Mots

Seal全名Seal Henry Samuel,1963年出生在英国伦敦,是一名混血儿,父母分别来自尼日利亚和巴西。他脸上令人毛骨悚然的伤疤,似乎在向人们诉说着他人生、音乐道路的崎岖坎坷。

出生于加拿大蒙特利尔的 Mylène Farmer 小时候随父母移居法国。96年凭借单曲 "California" 一举成名,逐步成为了法国头号女歌手。

无法形容自己第一次听到此歌时的震撼,Mylène Farmer 空灵般的嗓音美得让我窒息,一切都是那么的完美。
此歌收入Mylène Farmer专辑Les Mots


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