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男女合唱R&B≮How It Used to Be+Mary J Blige Feat Usher - Shake Down

幸福娃娃 发表于 2008-3-8 00:07:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

如同身旁守候正义天使般传达圣洁透明福音声韵,有着节奏蓝调美声唱腔、直达人们内心深处灵魂味觉,他那温暖动人嗓音,抚平每颗曾经受过伤的心以及焦躁不安的情绪,Kirk Franklin的声音就是有种潜在迷人魅力。

国外许多知名歌手,从小就在教堂唱诗班中训练起演唱实力,耳濡目染之下,福音歌曲就成为启发性之重要音源。现今音乐融合与跨界已屡见不鲜,然而对于无大多宗教信仰的乐迷来说,福音歌曲仍是属小众音乐,不过,经由世代流行音乐冲击,谱入多样化之节奏蓝调/灵魂/嘻哈/饶舌或甚金属/摇滚乃至雷鬼等音源,着实让人诧异于福音歌曲的包容性。Kirk协同多达17人之庞大家族Kirk Franklin&The Family实力在1993年发行同名专辑,不仅挺入福音榜百余周并跨界节奏蓝调榜,更夺下首张福音专辑赢得白金之荣耀,第二张应景圣诞专辑,成为首张福音圣诞冠军专辑,一再缔造音乐新传奇。

1996年婚后生子复出,以《Nu Nation Project》、《God's Property》等专辑,携获流行、节奏蓝调及福音界之欢迎,并于Bono、Mary J Blige、R Kelly等巨星级人物合作。

相距7年之久,Kirk Franklin显出全新录音室大作《Hero》,空降全美福音专辑榜冠军+流行专辑榜Top13+节奏蓝调/嘻哈榜Top4,无论流行、抒情、节奏蓝调、灵魂、福音甚至嘻哈、饶舌乐种,全都难不倒Kirk,在他巧妙融合下,一首首鲜艳亮丽曲目,并发最为动人灵式佳音。首支打入节奏蓝调/嘻哈单曲榜Top18的<Looking For You>,散发舞光十射欢乐复古迪斯科摇摆曲式,赶搭上这一批越演越烈的复古舞曲风潮;同名单曲<Hero>,在多部人声交相合唱,气势磅礴的编曲,处处宣泄撼动人心之感动;散发嘻哈节拍欢乐连接之<Couldn't Been>,长达近七分钟的气氛引导下,神圣教堂立刻成为全民起舞之大舞池,让你体会福音歌曲并不是想象中的刻板无趣;邀来曾获黑人音乐最高荣誉Soul Train[灵魂女伶]殊荣,并受到格莱美奖加冕之福音界美丽女声Yolanda Adams独唱展现歌喉在<Afterwhile>之中,获得48届格莱美奖[最佳流行演唱男歌手]的史提夫汪达,前来助阵感叹许多残酷乱象导致这世界病变之<Why>,齐心来合十双手,让珍爱永播人间,籍由Kirk恩典之作感受到丝丝暖意。
I ain't gonna lie
I can't even count the days
Or the many nights I tried living here alone
A heart full of pride
Couldn't see the enemy was me
I was blind and thought my second chance was gone
A ship without a sail
Battered by the raging sea
Taking any love I can to try and stop the rain
While waiting to exhale I finally got on my knees
I know it's been a long time
Do you still remember my name?

Can I go back in time?
Can I have another try?
But I can't change yesterday

Oh I
Can't take another day without you
Cause this heart don't beat the same without you
I forgot who I was
Got caught up in this world
Jesus I apologize
I should've lost my mind without you
Not another sleepless night without you Jesus
I'm sorry and I'm asking please
Make us how we used to be

I try and try to keep my mind on you
But trouble keeps calling me
Every time a wound heals
Something else takes the healing away
But even when I've gone too far
You don't even call my name
Mama said if you love let it go
And if it comes back then it's back to stay
You already knew I belong to only you
I run to your arms and say
Never knew a life so cold
Thought that things could fulfill my soul
Tried to find love on my own
It was hard to admit I was wrong
No money, no cars, no fame, no lies, no games my life is taken

Now we've come to the break
Tell me what you gone say (you gone say)
I know (I know)
I give my life right
But you know
You ain't promised tonight
Without you
(I can't breathe)
Without you
(I can't exist)
Without you
(This world ain't got nothing for me
I'm coming home)
Mary J Blige Feat Usher - Shake Down

[ 本帖最后由 幸福娃娃 于 2008-3-8 12:10 AM 编辑 ]
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