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可乐长大了 发表于 2007-6-30 19:24:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
对于那些苹果的fans以及所有期待苹果手机的人来说,他们的苦苦等待终于在今天有了结果!美国当地时间1月9日,北京时间1月10日凌晨,苹果在2007 Mac World大会上正式发布了其旗下的第一款手机产品iPhone。这款备受世人期待的手机,也丝毫没有让人感到失望。尽管从其设计来讲,这款iPhone和之前人们预测的并不完全相同,但是这款延续了iPod风格的全触摸屏手机无论是简约时尚的超薄黑色机身,还是强大的功能配置都足以让人们为之疯狂!



而更为振奋人心的消息是,这款iPhone将会采用苹果OS X操作系统,尽管没有具体的版本资料,但是笔者猜测相信和Windows Mobile系统一样,iPhone采用的OS X操作系统将是Mac OS X系统的手机版,这也使得智能手机家族添了一个新成员。根据发布会上的资料来看,这款手机将在今年6月上市,不过暂时只计划向美国市场推出,由运营商Cingular发售,4GB和8GB版本的签约售价分别为499美元和599美元。

NZZ 发表于 2007-6-30 19:26:14 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 可乐长大了 发表于 2007-6-30 19:28:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 流川静 于 2007-6-30 07:25 PM 发表



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 楼主| 可乐长大了 发表于 2007-6-30 19:28:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 NZZ 于 2007-6-30 07:26 PM 发表


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can8900523 发表于 2007-6-30 19:31:40 | 显示全部楼层
很快就有水货了  ~~不过个人觉得手机能打电话和听歌就够了 其他什么功能平时也不怎么会用的说

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远坂凛 发表于 2007-6-30 19:56:02 | 显示全部楼层

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NZZ 发表于 2007-6-30 20:20:15 | 显示全部楼层
其实偶已经有很有爱滴MP4咯 买8买iphone全看心情

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raymon 发表于 2007-7-1 00:06:16 | 显示全部楼层

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七夜しき 发表于 2007-7-1 02:53:21 | 显示全部楼层

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//.⒍﹎ 发表于 2007-7-1 03:00:18 | 显示全部楼层


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kernel 发表于 2007-7-1 12:19:44 | 显示全部楼层


Here's the short list:

1. Bluetooth is ONLY good for connecting a headset. That's it.
2. There is no file browser on the device at all. Data must be organized (if at all) in the appropriate application.
3. The camera is a simple application that has ONE button: the shutter. Pictures come out okay on the device, but nothing too fancy on a monitor, especially if it was an attempt at a macro shot.
4. SIM card is damn near impossible to open, if at all. I didn't look into it extensively.
5. Web browser is slow, even over WLAN. Even the simple OneList web app that was created takes around 20 seconds to load over WLAN. You can not highlight, cut, copy, or paste and text from a website, and you can not save any images you find from a website either. The only nice thing about it is the tabbed browsing, which crashed on me when I went to Engadget and YouTube on two tabs. This is the only application that allows you to use the keyboard in landscape mode.
6. The keyboard sucks. It gets slightly better after the iPhone "learns" you, as the employees said, but even then, it's not a device you can use with one hand comfortably, much less without looking.
7. You can only send one picture at a time in an email.
8. No custom ringtones (yet, as we were being told) and the alert tones can not be changed whatsoever.
9. The default ringtones are incredibly lame.
10. The only form of customization outside of a lame default ringtone is the wallpaper, which you'll only see when you need to unlock the device or when you get a phone call.
11. "Picture pinching" or using two fingers to zoom on any content is certainly fun to play with, but not practical whatsoever. This operation depends solely on using the device with two hands.
12. No document editor or native viewer. You can not store documents on the device to be viewed, they can only be viewed as attachments when they're sent to your in an email.
13. Visual voicemail is laggy and reacts about the same way as pushing the fast forward and rewind buttons on traditional voicemail systems. The only advantage is for those that get that many voicemail messages a day that they need to sort them according to priority.
14. NO games. None.
15. No voice dialing.
16. No speed dialing (which can be made up by the "quick list", but getting to that quick list isn't as fast as holding a single key on a real keypad).
17. No video.
18. No MMS.
19. It's still <4GB for $500 and <8GB for $600
20. It only takes around 2 hours to explore every menu without any options for expandability except to scrounge around for new web apps that will load slowly and nowhere near as smoothly as the native apps.

This device looks like it was aimed at the general consumer who has the money to spend on such a flashy device, but it leaves so many basic features behind that it's almost impossible to consider it a success as a mainstream device. It encourages the advanced user to move away from MMS and into email to send images, but leaves out any advanced features advanced users would be accustomed to, and still retains a huge price tag on top of it.

It's certainly pretty and Americans will buy it because of that simple UI, but anyone who's familiar with other operating systems would be appalled. This phone needs to be unlocked and cracked WIDE open to make much better use of the multi-touch system. That, or it needs an immediate update in iTunes to rework every feature.

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七夜しき 发表于 2007-7-1 12:26:46 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kernel 于 2007-7-1 12:19 PM 发表


Here's the short list:

1. Bluetooth is ONLY good for connecting a headset. That's it.
2. There is  ...

= =!OTL....看了1/3就觉得...老美好挑剔....

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空的轨迹 发表于 2007-7-1 17:52:45 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 七夜しき 于 2007-7-1 02:53 AM 发表


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NZZ 发表于 2007-7-1 17:58:18 | 显示全部楼层

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